Non-profit organization
List of non-profit organizations
Mary Gwinner
Born 2 BE Therapeutic Equestrian Center, Executive DirectorBorn 2 Be is a therapeutic riding and carriage driving program dedicated to providing the opportunity for individuals to become all they were Born ...
Sarah McArdle
Born 2 BE Therapeutic Equestrian CenterErnesto Sanchez
First United Methodist ChurchAshley Lascor
Kiwanis Club of SangerBarbara Scheffler
Lake Ray Roberts Elks Lodge #2862Paula Yoder
New Life ChurchLoretta Cantrell
North Texas Trinity Cowboy ChurchKyle Holeman
North Texas Trinity Cowboy ChurchScott Godwin
Porters Corner IncWendy Kaye
Porters Corner IncValerie Foster
Sanger Education Foundation, Executive DirectorValerie has 20+ years of experience in non-profit management. In 1999 she was recognized as a Heroes for Children by the State Board of Education....
Justin Grass
Denco Area 9-1-1 DistrictShon Wood
First Refuge MinistriesRandy Woodruff
Grace Bible ChurchVerna White
Lake Ray Roberts Elks Lodge #2862Charles Saunders
Grace Bible ChurchMike Minter
Sanger OES Chapter #1027Anne Hammer
Church of Christ of SangerShayna Elliot
Sanger Education FoundationApril Siver
Siver Career Center, PresidentMy name is April Siver and I am a retired teacher. I was born and raised in SW Michigan, the middle child of 7, and I have been fortunate enough to...