Events Calendar
Business over Breakfast
networking, chamber of commerce, community, businesses, opportunity
Everythaang Gifts & Logos Ribbon Cutting
chamber of commerce, ribbon cutting, community, networking, mingling
Lunch & Learn
lunch & learn; educational; continuing education; business basics; business planning; chamber of commerce; new business; how to for business
SACC Business Luncheon
networking, chamber of commerce, business, community, opportunities, meet & greet, learning, professionals, leaders, luncheon
Board of Directors Meeting
chamber of commerce; community; government; board meeting
Kiwanis Club of Sanger - Board Meeting
kiwanis, clubs, organizations, sanger texas
Business over Breakfast
networking, chamber of commerce, community, businesses, opportunity
St Patrick's Day Mixer
chamber mixer, networking, opportunities, collaboration, business professionals, St Patty's Day, St Patrick's Day
SACC Business Luncheon
networking, chamber of commerce, business, community, opportunities, meet & greet, learning, professionals, leaders, luncheon