Sanger Lions Club Meeting

Date and Time
Wednesday Apr 16, 2025
12:00 PM - 1:00 PM CDT
Please join us for Lunch Noon to 1PM on the 1st and 3rd Wednesday of the month
Sanger Community Center
101 Freese Dr.
Sanger, Texas
@ the corner of Freese Dr. and Austin Street
Contact Information
Brad Allison Sanger Lions Club President 2022-2023
Send Email

Lions clubs are a group of men and women and families who identify needs within the community and work together to fulfill those needs. The following are just a few of our service projects in the Sanger Community. ( Sanger ISD Vision Screenings, Sanger High School Scholarships, The Purple Bus and Back Pack Program, Eyeglass Recycling Program, Support Local Food Pantries, The Sanger Crisis Center) Our Global causes are Childhood Cancer, Diabetes, Environment, Hunger, Vision.
Lions Clubs International is the world’s largest service club organization with more than 1.3 million members in approximately 45,000 clubs in 205 countries and geographical areas around the world. Since 1917, Lions clubs have aided the blind and visually impaired and made a strong commitment to community service and serving youth throughout the world.