Thursday Jan 2, 2025
5:30 PM - 6:30 PM CST
Please join us at 5:30 pm to 6:30 pm on the first Thursday of every month.
Sanger Community Center
101 Freese Dr.
Sanger, Texas
@ the corner of Freese Dr. and Austin Street
Open to the Public
Brad Allison Sanger Lions Club President 2022-2023
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The Sanger Lions Club is now offering an excellent opportunity for families to become involved together in community service. The club is now welcoming family groups to become part of their organization. This new concept allows families to spend quality time together volunteering on community projects as members of Lions Clubs International.
The Sanger Lions Club has made changes in its meeting dates, times, structure and club activities to encourage family involvement. “We’re very excited about the opportunity for more families to become involved in our club,” said Brad Allison, Sanger Lions Club President. “Research shows that families that volunteer together have stronger family bonds, and organizations such as ours benefit from creating a legacy of service beginning with the younger generation.”
The Lions Club is adding three new types of memberships, Affiliate Membership, Future Lions and a Cubs Club. An affiliate member is someone who is not able to participate as an active member of the club but desires to support the club and it’s community service initiatives while volunteering alongside their family. The Future Lions members are 13 to 17 years of age. These Young Leaders in Service will receive Community Service Hours while serving the community along with family members and other affiliate and active Lions. The Cubs Club are members age 12 and below who serve with the families and will learn the valuable lessons of community service, helping those in need.
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300 Bolivar Street, Sanger, TX 76266 – (940) 458-7702 –